Tuesday, August 2, 2011

It's a start

Day 5 in Doha...

I knew coming to Doha that residents in Qatar had a rep for being crazy drivers.
These days I get a lift to and from work from a company chauffeur (it won't last).
The other day, on my way to the hospital to have my blood type tested for the Emir's corp., the dude behind the wheel of snaz Audi A6 or A8, with me in the backseat, sideswiped the kerb with both passenger-side tires.
Today, another chauffeur was doing a fair impression of an F1 driver, redlining the sedan as my knuckles turned white gripping the holy-shit handle.
We slowed down only when we came across what looked like a minor fender bender.
What must have been the two drivers were on the side of the road taking wild swings at each other.
The swings were inelegant, but a couple landed pretty good around the head of one poor fellow.

I know nothing about this place yet.
Other than it's hot. Real hot.
Without exaggerating, it is very much like stepping into a sauna while still fully clothed.
When I exit a building here, my eyeglasses invariably fog up, chilled as they have been by the AC.
The weather's like Winnipeg in the winter, only in reverse.
Too extreme to be outdoors for long... but you get used to it. Really, you do. Sort of.
The moist air also seems to condense on your cold skin (they juice the AC in most places here).
As a result, my entire body feels clammy. Ick.
I try to think of it as a cleansing sauna that opens every single pore that I own.

Because Doha is a pretty cool place (get it? 'cool' place), I'm hoping to have enough material to make semi-regular contributions to this blog for friends, family and anyone else interested, stuff that's moderately interesting... that's the goal anyways.

Apologies in advance for the blog's initial bland look.
I will tweak when time permits.
For now this'll be how I stay in touch.
Because, much as I love you all, writing personalised emails to each and everyone of you, well, it ain't gonna happen.
For now, Ramadan kareem.

Inelegant swings though they were, a few landed pretty good.

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