Monday, August 8, 2011

Me and my shadow

The plan was to beat the heat by arriving at the Museum of Islamic Art when the doors opened at 10.
I left my apartment at 11:30. As they say, the best laid plans...
It's only a 15-minute walk to the MIA from my place, but wow...
The wind was gusting, whipping sand all about.
It was the hottest that I had experienced.
Not a scrap of shade to be found.
I looked at my feet and my shadow was about the size of a dinner plate. I was standing right on top of it. I looked up and the sun was about as directly above my head as is possible.
I felt like an ant seared by a child's magnifying glass.
After the museum visit, I walked back.
Not much better.
The Indian caretaker in the lobby of my apartment looked at me as if I was off my nut.
"Too much hot," he said.

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