Saturday, September 3, 2011

Seeing double

The sign said something like, Ladies and Couples Only. Imagine my disappointment, standing there alone, male, and thirsting for a pint.
The Irish pub at the Sheraton in Doha was finally open after closing for the Muslim holy month of Ramadan.
But they do that here sometimes... have 'family' nights. I can't, for example, go see a movie by myself on Fridays, the day when all comes to a stop and Muslims pray. It's their Sunday.
But this was Thursday.
Maybe because it was Eid, the celebration that marks the end of Ramadan. Never got an answer from the two security guards standing outside the door.
Bottom line, I had taken a cab to get there; I was on a mission.
And that was to have some sort of pub grub... and a pint... or two.
"Do you have a membership, sir?" the security guard asked.
"Um, no, I don't."
"Around the corner, you can get one there."
The woman seated at the desk looked at me with suspicion. That's how it felt anyway.
Long story short, she let me in, but not before questioning my ID and asking how long I planned on being in the pub.
Jeez, what's a guy gotta do to get a drink around here, I thought to myself.
Waitress says, What would you like sir?
Guinness, please, I says.
It's last call for happy hour, she says. Would you like two?
See photo for proof of response. I should have snapped the look on my face.
The pub was jammed with guys, maybe 90 percent male.
It got a bit frat house. This dude in his late 50s, at the urinal, had to lean his forehead against the wall, he was that drunk.
I left after a couple more pints. When I retrieved my ID at the door, there must have been a dozen guys waiting to get in. Ladies, schmadies.

1 comment:

  1. With what did you take that Guiness shot, your x100? Great bokah!
